Sharing Goodness

Sharing Goodness

Each day we should try to bring goodness to the world by doing little acts of charity. A hug, a kind word, spending time, exhibiting a little kindness and being friendly is all that matters.

Spreading Smiles

Sometimes a simple smile can put a warm feeling in someone else's heart and make their day better. We believe giving back is important to us as a better world begins with best practices.

Changing Lives

It is something we are trying to foster as we focus on using our resources for the betterment of the society so that it positively affects our communities.
The Relief Convoys

The Relief Convoys

Just like the realities natural disasters have changed the world we live in. These calamities adversely affect the people, their lives, and the entire nation is shaken. This is the time when affected cities are looking for support and pillars to help build all that is lost in the disaster. Nepal faced the aftermath of a massive earthquake that destroyed all and left the country and its people terrified. The tragedy hit hard to homes and, more importantly, the lives of many.

We in association with Can&Will (Social Partners) and (Media Partners) started a relief camp in the Tri-City. This was a small initiative to provide help in the hardest hit areas of Nepal. While they were struggling with basic amenities, our relief convoys made it on time to provide the maximum aid.

Blood the elixir of life

All donations made towards charity are valuable, but nothing is comparable to donating human blood. Blood donation is our human duty, just a bottle can save someone undergoing surgery, ailing from anemia, or have met with an accident. Because there is no artificial substitute for blood and someone, somewhere may be in dire need. Even one donation can help save a lot of lives. Be a part of this social responsibility as the need is constant where the gratification of saving a life is instant.

Blood the elixir of life

Social Initiatives

Every drop counts

Every drop counts

Over 6000 patients need blood everyday accidents happen, blood transfusions are needed for surgeries, premature infants need blood to survive. Every drop of blood is precious and the generous donations made by the team of Zapbuild are reaching those in need.



CATS a voluntary organization works in association with their social endeavor arm, CAN & WILL Foundation that organizes blood donation camps. Zapbuild feels proud to be associated with them in this blood donation drive each year.

Water-pump Installation

Water-pump Installation

The donation is not limited to material offerings, but also immaterial. In both cases, one offers and other receives. The beautiful souls of Government High School, Dappar were filled with joy, when the school was donated the submersible handpump, the only source of drinking water.

We have taken a step have you?

Have you taken a step?

It is always good to have people who care for society and take the effort to think beyond their regular routine. Our Association with Prabh Asra was to contribute as such initiatives act as a ray of light and hope for organizations who are non-profitably working for the betterment of the society.

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